Back to School Check-Up Ensuring a Healthy Start to the School YearIntroduction:

As the new school year approaches, it’s important to make sure your child is in optimal health to face the challenges and opportunities ahead. A comprehensive back-to-school check-up is essential for ensuring they are physically and mentally ready for the academic year.

Why a Back-to-School Check-Up is Important:

  1. Physical Health: A routine check-up helps monitor your child’s growth and development, ensuring they are meeting milestones and addressing any health concerns early.
  2. Preventive Care: Catch potential health issues before they become serious. Regular check-ups can detect vision or hearing problems, nutritional deficiencies, and more.
  3. Updating Medical Records: Ensure that immunizations and health records are up to date, which is often required by schools.

What to Expect During the Check-Up:

  • Physical Examination: Assessing height, weight, and overall physical condition.
  • Screenings: Vision and hearing tests to detect any impairments that could affect learning.
  • Immunizations: Ensuring all vaccinations are current.
  • Health Education: Guidance on nutrition, sleep, and exercise.


A back-to-school check-up is a proactive step in ensuring your child’s success and well-being throughout the school year. Schedule your child’s appointment at the Center for Integrative and Functional Health and Wellness today and give them the best start possible.


The Center for Integrative and Functional Health and Wellness

1 Tiffany Pointe, Suite 105
Bloomingdale, IL 60108

Phone: (630) 980-1400

Office Hours

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